Asterisk ARI Voicemail User Portal - Named Greetings

   This is an add-on to the Asterisk ARI User Portal which allows the creation and management of Named greetings for voicemail.  Named greetings are saved greetings recorded by the end-user, who then can use these greetings as one of their system greetings (the Busy, Unavailable, or Temporary greetings) for their voicemail mailbox.  This allows users to change their system greetings from a browser, without having to re-record these greetings.

   One example is someone who wants to be able to let callers know when they will be returning back to the office.  Asterisk allow the Temporary greeting to be recorded from the user's phone and this message will be played instead of the user's Busy or Unavailable greeting.  However, the user has to re-record a Temporary greeting every time they will be leaving the office.  This module allows users to use Named greetings to record different greetings ("I will be returning Monday", "I will be returning Tuesday", "I will be out of the office for a few hours", etc.) and then use these Named greetings as one of their system greetings without having to re-record greetings or even use their phone to make the greeting change.
   Even if someone only wants to have a single Temporary greeting ("I'm out of the office"), but be able to turn it on and off, using Asterisk alone they would have to re-record the temporary greeting each time they leave the office.  Using this module, this user can record their greeting as a Named greeting, and enable/disable it as a Temporary greeting from their browser anytime they need it.
For trixbox, pbxinaflash, AsteriskNow, FreePBX, etc.  Hopefully anything which uses the Asterisk ARI User Portal.

End-User Instructions:
  1. Record a Temporary greeting from a phone.
  2. Go into VM Greetings Module in the Asterisk ARI User Portal. 
  3. Choose to save the Temporary greeting that was recorded as a Named greeting.
  4. Now the Named greeting can used as a Busy, Unavailable, or Temporary greeting.
  5. Note: In Internet Explorer 8 & 9, the table doesn't display correctly.  To correct this, turn on the compatibility mode by clicking the "broken page" icon next to the address bar.  Once this compatibility mode is turned on it will stay on for this page so this will only need to be done initially.
Here is the VM Greetings page with only the Temporary, Busy, and Unavailable greetings recorded and the Temporary greeting is about to be saved as a Named greeting called MondayMorning:

Here the MondayMorning Named greeting has been saved.  Notice that it can now be used for the Busy, Unavailable, or Temporary greetings.  It can also be deleted or renamed:

Here are multiple Named greetings listed.  The ThursdayMorning Named greeting has been used for the Temporary greeting:

  1. login as root on your Asterisk-based system
  2. cd /tmp
  3. wget vmgreeting-2.2.tar.gz              # from Source Forge
  4. Find the recordings directory for the ARI User Portal.  It may be /var/www/html/recordings/.
  5. cd /var/www/html/recordings/         # or wherever the folder location is
  6. tar -xvzf /tmp/vmgreeting-2.2.tar.gz
  7. chmod 775 modules/vmgreetings.module
  8. chmod 664 misc/vmgreeting_popup.php misc/vmaudio.php misc/play_page_vmgreeting.php
  9. chown asterisk:asterisk modules/vmgreetings.module misc/vmgreeting_popup.php misc/vmaudio.php misc/play_page_vmgreeting.php
  10. On newer FreePBX, you will get a restricted error when trying to play greetings unless the following is added to "/var/www/html/recordings/.htaccess":
    <FilesMatch "^(play_page_vmgreeting|vmgreeting_popup)\.php$">
       Allow from all
  1. v2.2:  Made changes to download greeting and play greeting funcationality to allow it to work with new FreePBX.
  2. v2.1:  I think that it was something to do with changing the display font.  
  3. v2.0: Added Named greetings alpha sort, ability to use Named greetings as Busy & Unavailable greetings, display Named greeting source for system greetings, changed playback options, added delete confirmation, and ability to rename Named greetings.
  4. v1.1: Added greeting playback files missing in v1.0.  Oops.
  5. v1.0: Initial version.  Named greetings are only available for Temporary greeting.
Sourceforge Website:
Get Temporary Voicemail Greeting User Portal at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

VMGreetings User Portal sponsored by iCepts Technology Group

Much Thanks:
CB, BB, and DB!